Wamboldt Apartments is the product of a lifetime of hard work and dedication from Jerome and Darlene Wamboldt. Jerome was a firefighter who initially enjoyed dabbling in the real estate industry as a hobby. After finding more to love about the industry than he originally thought, he decided to purchase income property and get serious about his passion. From that, Wamboldt Apartments was born.
What originally started with a modest two unit situation blossomed to the 96 units the company is responsible for today. Jerome and Darlene’s daughter, Becky Tatro, now acts as the personal face of the business. She’s been giving her all to tenants for the last 17 years. Part of why the company has historically been so successful ultimately comes down to the personal and friendly approach that it offers. Simply put, when you move into Wamboldt Apartments you become more than just a tenant – you become a member of the Wamboldt family.